โYouth Holidays
Trips for 18-35s to explore the world
* Terms & Conditions: The above information has been obtained from the relevant suppliers and should be considered an indicative guide only as to the prices that may be available for these products. Prices are based on the cheapest departure within the stipulated period. At the time of making your booking, prices may differ from the price displayed on this website. Please contact us to obtain the latest up to date information regarding applicable prices, fees and charges, taxes, availability, any blackout dates (such as school holidays), seasonal surcharges and other terms and conditions which may apply. Prices are ex Windhoek unless otherwise indicated, and are per person sharing unless otherwise specified. Prices are based on Namibian /SADC residents unless otherwise specified. Packages do not include mandatory Covid-19 PCR tests where required, unless otherwise specified. Visas may be necessary and Travel Insurance is essential, all at additional costs. XL The Travel Professionals and supplier conditions apply and are available via our website or on request. Personal Responsibility - COVID-19 Warning - "In choosing to book/stay at the quoted suppliers, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19"
Prices are based on EFT payments. Cash Payments will attract a cash handling Fee to be added to the final price. Credit Card/Debit Card payments may attract Foreign Bank Charges/additional fees. Check with us before paying with a card. Prices are subject to change without notice and are correct at the time of publishing.
E & EO Refer to our full Terms & Conditions of booking here